Program Overview
Healthcare Occupations (CTE)
Program Description: Our Healthcare Occupations program provides students with the fundamentals of healthcare through rigorous coursework and practical clinical experience using state of the art technology, equipment and techniques. Students will be prepared to provide clinical support and patient care as part of a healthcare team in a hospital, long-term care or medical office setting. Haverhill High School’s Healthcare Occupations Program is a DPH approved Nurse Aide Training Program and prepares students for the state CNA exam.
Content: Safety and OSHA, HIPAA Laws, Professional Practices in Healthcare, Patient Personal Care and Hygiene, Medical Terminology, Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology, Vital Signs, Emergency and Triage Procedures, First Aid and CPR, Medications, Clinical Lab Skills, College and Career Planning
Certifications: Healthcare Provider Level CPR/AED, First Responder First Aid, OSHA 10-Hour General Industry (Healthcare), Alzheimer’s Assn. Dementia Certification, CNA
High Demand Jobs: Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse Assistant, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Doctor, Physical Therapist, Medical Assistant, Dental Technician
College and Industry Partners: Whittier Health Network; Lawrence General Hospital; Holy Family Hospital; UMass Lowell; NECC; MassHire; StarFire EMS; Trinity EMS; Bethany Community Services, Birthing Gently; Elder Services of Merrimack Valley

Program Course Progressions
CTE HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS I HONORS (9th Grade) Year long 1 period – The Healthcare Occupations I course will provide students with a foundation of the fundamentals of healthcare through rigorous coursework and practical skills experience using state-of-the-art equipment and evidence-based practices. This course challenges students with exploration of the following healthcare topics: healthcare careers and workplace settings, communicating and interacting with a diverse population of patients, infection control and safety protocols in patient care, measuring vital signs, observing and responding to patient needs, introduction to anatomy and physiology through the study of major body systems in relation to patient care, CPR and first aid. Students will use their knowledge of these topics and practice in a medical learning lab as well as practice with case scenarios.
CTE HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS II HONORS (10th Grade) Year long 1 period – The Healthcare Occupations II course will provide students with more in-depth rigorous coursework and practical skills experience using state of the art equipment, hands-on patient care techniques, and enhanced real world case scenarios. Students will focus on developing their professionalism and understanding of ethical and legal obligations as well as scope of practice requirements for healthcare providers. Students will earn their CPR BLS certification for healthcare providers, OSHA certification for workplace safety, expand their emergency response preparedness, build understanding and interpretation of medical terminology, acceptable medical abbreviations, proper documentation practices and medical records handling. Patient care emphasis is on hygiene and grooming, activities of daily living, transferring and moving patients, pain management, and additional safety and comfort measures.
PROJECT LEAD THE WAY HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS (10th Grade or 11th Grade) Year long 1 period – All Healthcare Occupations students are required to take PLTW Human Body Systems in either 10th or 11th grade. Through projects such as determining the identity of a skeleton using both forensic anthropology and DNA analysis, students examine the interactions of human body systems and apply what they know to solve real-world medical cases.
CTE HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS III HONORS (11th Grade) – Year long 2 Periods – The Healthcare Occupations III course will build on a working knowledge of healthcare fundamentals with an increased focus on direct patient care through simulations in our medical learning lab as well as onsite and hands-on clinical hours with the ultimate goal of taking and passing the Massachusetts Red Cross CNA examination. Course topics include focusing on long-term care and home healthcare patients, geriatrics, caring for mentally challenged or disabled patients, caring for the terminally ill, and understanding the care involved with death and dying. Additional emphasis includes study on specialized body systems including reproduction and mother-baby care, the urinary system, elimination, and specimen collection. An ongoing emphasis on professionalism, organizing and documenting, and safe handling of medical records, as well as resume building and job-seeking skills are continued.
CTE HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS IV HONORS (12th Grade) ½ Year – The Healthcare Occupations IV course will build on existing and acquired knowledge of the patient care continuum with a focus on direct patient care through simulations in our medical learning lab as well as onsite and hands-on clinical hours. Course topics include an examination of business and industry standards to prepare students for career expectations and opportunities in healthcare. In addition, students will learn medical math, principles of laboratory testing, principles of medication safety and administration, ECG lead placement, rhythm recognition, and rationale for such testing. Students will also complete portfolio evaluation of skills and knowledge necessary for such careers and opportunities.
HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS CAPSTONE HONORS (12th Grade) ½ Year – The purpose of this capstone project is to demonstrate a student’s mastery and knowledge of what they have learned during their studies in health assisting and apply them to real world situations. Working with a mentor, students will develop a proposal for a capstone project, integrating concepts and skills learned throughout their four years in the Healthcare Occupations Program. Each project must include an evidence-based deliverable/product, such as a process, procedure, or prototype. At the end of the semester, students showcase and present their projects at a Capstone Expo.
Although this is not a requirement all CTE students are encouraged to participate in an Internship.
INTERNSHIP (this is a half credit course that can be taken during the school year or summer) The purpose of the Career Internship is to provide scholars with a meaningful workplace experience working closely with a professional in a chosen field. The scholars will also participate in classes where they will build a career portfolio, including resumes, cover letters, and ultimately, letters of recommendation. The scholars will also learn about interview and job search skills as well as labor laws and their rights in the workplace. This course runs two afternoons a week from 2:15-5 p.m. Scholars will receive ½ credit per semester for satisfactory completion of all requirements. Scholars must be at least 16 years old to participate.
Comparative Salary Data (April – June 2023)
Data below are for the Essex County area which includes cities like Andover, Haverhill, Lawrence, Lynn, Peabody and Salem Massachusetts.
Entry level full-time jobs in these fields typically start at $18-$24 per hour and include benefits like health and dental insurance, retirement funding, paid sick leave and vacation time.