Career Technical Education (CTE) programs at Haverhill High School blend content with real-world applications and work-based learning to prepare students for college and career. Students work in collaborative teams to develop solutions to authentic problems, solve medical mysteries, and learn how to implement protocols and procedures in science labs and technology workshops. Features of HHS CTE programs include:
- Four-year sequences of rigorous honors-level courses aligned with industry standards;
- Technical skill proficiency, leading to industry-recognized credentials;
- Competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills;
- Work-based learning opportunities (internships, capstone projects, clinical experience, job shadow days, business tours and guest speakers); and
- College and career planning activities.
Students interested in attending highly competitive colleges and universities are encouraged to take advantage of Haverhill High School’s rigorous Advanced Placement® courses and Early College opportunities.
CTE graduates are also well-positioned to complete post-secondary certificate programs or immediately enter the high-demand STEM workforce.

Work-Based Learning Progression
Haverhill High School CTE students engage in a progression of work-based learning experiences over four school years that begins with the awareness phase and proceeds through exploration to immersion exercises. These experiences take place in the classroom, on field trips to colleges & universities, and local industries. Later in the 2021-2022 school year, this awareness activities will be extended to students in grades 7 and 8.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How do courses for CTE programs fit into my schedule?
- There is plenty of room for students to fit all required program courses into their schedules. Sample student schedules have been prepared to illustrate this and can be found on each of the program web pages.. There is even room in a four-year schedule to take more electives!
- Can I complete all of the requirements by graduation?
- YES! These CTE programs are designed for students to complete all program and HHS graduation requirements in four years (grades 9, 10, 11 & 12). Students can also take advantage of opportunities for summer internships between their 11th and 12th grades!
- I may be interested in going to college after graduation. Can I still go to college if I enroll in any of these programs?
- YES, ABSOLUTELY! Many graduates of the HHS CTE programs go on to highly competitive colleges after graduation. In fact, all of the HHS CTE programs require students to complete the MassCore set of graduation requirements which make students desirable applicants to competitive colleges.
- I am interested in one of the CTE programs and Classical Academy. Can I enroll in both programs at the same time?
- YES! There have been many students who have enrolled in a CTE program and Classical Academy at the same time. Program leaders and guidance counselors can advise students on how they can fit all requirements into their schedule.
- I am a 9th grade student but I was not in Haverhill as an 8th grader because I transferred from another city. I just learned about these CTE programs and am really interested. Is it possible for me to enroll?
- It is possible for 9th grade students to apply and enroll in a CTE program for their 10th grade. Students should contact their guidance counselor and CTE program leaders for advice on the requirements for 9th grade applicants. Program leaders can be reached at